Becoming a Music Coordinator: Key tasks, SMEP, Musical Intent & Cultural Capital

It is the role of the Music Coordinator to oversee all of the music provision in the school. But what does this mean in practical terms? Of course, every school is different but these are some of the things a Music Coordinator might be expected to do or might want to consider in order that music may thrive in their school.  This training will help you understand how to be successful in your role and the importance of Cultural Capital. During the course of this session we will also create a Schools Music Education Plan (SMEP) document and use this to inform and write or amend your Musical Intent Statement.

Ofsted have defined cultural capital as β€˜the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’ This session will help music coordinators identify how music contributes to the development of cultural capital in their school. This will support you to establish what is appropriate coverage and content in your schools music curriculum, recognising your musical intent and ensuring that your setting is Ofsted compliant.