IOW Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Team Assembly talk


IOW music hub has collaborated with the IOW AONB team (who were successful in bidding for the IOW Biosphere status) to create a list of 10 things you can do to help your Biosphere which appears in the song “Protect Our Island”. These 10 things were extrapolated from the 17 UN Sustainability Development Goals

The IOW AONBT are keen to spread and celebrate the message of the island’s Biosphere status and would be more than happy to come into your school to give a 10 minute talk about this either whole school or in classes or smaller groups. Spaces are limited for this but you will have the option to sign up for one of these tasks via the google form the Biosphere Big Sing.

The AONB team will also be creating a special schools badge for those that have engaged with the Creative Biosphere Projects taking place across the island during 2022 which you will receive when you engage in any elements of this project!

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